Students play a video game at the King Library

The Reta King Library now offers a video game library and playing room. The room includes the following stations and games: (All games and controllers need to be checked out at the circulation desk in the library.)

Pass some time with an old-time video game - in the library! 

Video Games and systems available in the library.

PS5, Alienware video computer, and a stand up arcade with 1300 games is also available.


The Video Games are available and the room is open when the library is open. 

Rules and Regulations: 

  1. There is a 4-hour time limit for reservations.
  2. No food or drinks in any of the rooms where technology is located.
  3. Nothing can be checked out and taken home.
  4. Controllers must be obtained from the front desk.
  5. If a class is in session the noise needs to be kept to a minimum.